Our theme for this year's show will be 20/20!
To celebrate what will be our twentieth show, and also to think about looking forward and back, closely and into the future.
What inspires us from our own work and history, as we create new sculptures for this year's show? What do you remember from past shows?
We'll have fun with all of these questions, and we have some special surprises in the works.
If you would like to join this year's show as an artist, download the application here:
Join this site to stay up to date, and get in touch if you'd like to help out.
Bert Snow - show coordinator
and we'll post application forms and information soon!)
- Bert Snow, show coordinator.
Image: Horn-Rimmed Spectacles - Telescope. Japan, 1878. [?] Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2009630296/.
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