Sculpture at Maudslay

Home for Outdoor Sculpture at Maudslay and its Artists

And the theme for the 2013 show is... INTERTWINE

We had a lively meeting to debate and decide the theme for the 2013 show.  Everybody brought 3 ideas, (some sent em in from afar..) and we followed our "hallowed" process of rounds of voting to narrow the list down, until we ended up with two finalists: Intertwine and Between.  Intertwined won the final vote (but it was close), but with no fisticuffs.  Thanks to everyone who came and participated!

I think it will be a great theme - it's dynamic, organic, evocative and specific (Michelle let us know that in fiber arts it has a quite specific meaning...).


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Comment by Jim Sheehan on March 21, 2013 at 8:55pm

Glad to hear about the new theme.  Tell us more!  When will the call go out?


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